Tag: Wananga


In Wananga we were to post a blog about what we were grateful for during the holidays.

During the beginning of the holidays I just lazed around by myself. I watched Inside Job on Netflix and also watched Bel-Air the drama show. I also connected a lot with friends and family. I’m very grateful for the people that are in my life and the people in the past and the future.

ii) What were 3 things you did to get out of the house? I hung out with friends a lot so of course I had to flee my home to see them. I also help out at a small family business at a local Sunday Market, I enjoy what I do there. I also play outside with my little brother frequently.

iii) What was something you did to make you feel happy? I spent time with friends and family.


#4, Write about something that cheers you up when you feel down.

Music. I love music. It’s a big part about my culture, my family and me as an individual. I’m surrounded by music everyday and I’ll be forever grateful. I love every genre of music, except for country music. Every time I feel like something is wrong or I’m upset, I just play my favourite tunes and sit by myself and listen. Sometimes I even play it, and by it I mean the piano and the drums. Playing music, listening to music and watching others perform their music is so inspiring and relieves all the negative thoughts.

Affirmations, what are they?

According to the google definition, it is a form of emotional support or encouragement, or identifying someones value and worth. Yesterday we wrote three affirmations about ourselves. They aren’t neutral or negative. Just good. For myself, I wrote (which Charles helped me with), cool, amazing taste in music and productive.


Hauora is the Maori Philosophy for staying healthy in all 4 dimensions. What are these 4 dimensions? Firstly, there’s your Taha Tinana, your physical health. Your Taha Hinengaro, your emotional and mental health. Your Taha Wairua, Spiritual health. Lastly, your Taha Whanau, your Social health. People compare ‘you’ with a Marae. With your 4 dimensions being your four walls. If one of your walls is weak, then the whole Marae falls down. This is called your Te Whare Tapa, your house.

My weakest Hauora is my Taha Hinengaro my mental and emotional health, because I’m behind on some work and it’s really stressful to catch up on it all. My strongest would be the Taha Wairua. I’m going well socially with friends, mututals, teachers and family memebers.

My goals for maintaining for having good Hauora is to always know when you need a break. Always take breaks so it’s not so stressful or it ends badly.

Athletics Day

On 28th of February our school had an Athletics day. To summarise it, it’s a day where our house tries to get points by participating or placing in activities. Unless of course you wanted to compete for zones. We could also choose if we wanted to participate or not. Of course being the person who’s very unenthusiastic about sports, I did sprints and flunked. Sprints made me so nervous for no reason and it was really funny in my opinion. There was this girl, I didn’t get her name, but she was the exact same speed as me. It was really awkward running by her side.The teachers didn’t really tell us off for having our phones too, at least the teachers that saw us with them..  Since it was mostly a house competition, the whole school had to show up in their house colours. My house colour is red, I renamed it ‘the tomato team’. I didn’t have anything that was fully red. I wore a My Chemical Romance shirt and black parachute pants. The shirt had a little bit of red on it, but it was better than nothing. I took a lot of pictures and videos, mostly dumb and weird angled pictures or obscure videos of my friends and I. Nearing the end there were bake sales and sizzles happening. I wished I had cash on me that day, but I only had my card which was so annoying. I also bought my friends mountain dew because it was unbelievably hot. I had a lot of fun sitting around and doing dumb stuff with my friends.