Tag: Social Studies

Freedom Fighters

Freedom Fighters


Today in social studies we made a poster on the five R’s. I won’t spoil it as much, but in short, it is an acronym for things that we will be needed in this semester.


Today we had to determine the difference between important and significant events. We could pick whatever we wanted and I chose drummers. I chose some famous drummers and up them on google earth. I copied and pasted a bit of information about them to make my work more in-depth. Please let me know if the link does not work!

Google Earth Link



 The Raids, Lae City and Port Moresby

January 11th 2024 – Alijazeera.com/news

Papua New Guinea’s leader has declared a 14-day state of emergency in the capital. Why? Well, because 15 people were killed in riots and caught up in the arson, burning down stores.

Prime Minister James Marape, announced that more than 1,000 soldiers were on standby “to step in wherever necessary” under the emergency order. In Lae city the DF (Defense Force) was scouting the area and some even shot at the 9 Mile. 9 Mile is a large village in the Markham Valley of Morobe Province, nearing the centre of Lae City. The town was locked down for 2 days and after grocery stores were opened for a slim amount of hours with DF and soldiers on standby. 

The violence all started in Port Moresby on Wednesday evening after a group of soldiers, police officers and prison guards launched protests over unexplained deductions to their pay and raising the tax. Eight people died in Port Moresby while Seven people were killed in Lae.

News anchors showed thousands running through the streets of Port Moresby with many carrying what appeared to be looted goods. Black smoke was like a blanket, hovering over the city. Additionally, a crowd burnt a police car outside the prime minister’s office as a part of their protest.

According to the Chinese embassy, Chinese-owned businesses were singled out and several Chinese citizens were harmed, though the exact figure remains undisclosed. The Chinese government has voiced its grievances to the government of Papua New Guinea. Additionally, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in China has confirmed that two Chinese nationals sustained minor injuries as a result of the violent incidents.

Where I think it would fit is:
– Sociology
– International Relations
– Economic

India’s Fight for Independence 🇮🇳


Matching new words to their definition for further understanding of our subject :>


An act of taking control of an area or a country that is not your own. 


A country or state that has a self-government.


A branch of countries ruled over by a single monarch or another country in general.

Passive Resistance:

A non-violent protest.


Today after learning about Gandi, we had to create a ‘famous person profile’ of him. This included: Name, Born, Place of Birth, Job, Belief/Faith, What did he want for India?, How did he go about getting it? – Actions and most importantly Why is he a Freedom Fighter? Luckily for you readers, I actually did the work and can answer all of these questions for you. Enjoy!


 The Salt March.

The Salt March was one of Gandi’s most significant acts during his time.

During this time India was ruled by the British and India’s citizens weren’t a fan of these guys taking over Gandi’s and many others’ homes. Since acquiring salt in India was as simple as walking to the beach and harvesting it, the British said no. Why? Since India was ruled by the queen, the land was now the Queen/the British’s land and that now they had to pay for salt.

So then Gandi being Mahatma (Great Souled), didn’t follow the rules. Instead, he and his followers performed the infamous Salt March. The Salt March consisted of Gandi and his followers marching for over 240 miles to reach the beaches of Dandi. The next morning Gandhi produced salt from evaporated seawater, thus breaking the law.

This was one of the many acts that Gandi did to free his country from the hands of the British and gain independence.


For the past few periods, we’ve been learning about the Atlantic Slave Trade. We had to create a poster about what the Atlantic Slave trade was to show our understanding of the topic. Then as an extension task, we had to write a diary entry as a slave on the middle path. I’ve managed to scrape enough time to do both whilst there was a substitute teacher. If you have any feedback, pretty please comment.

Black Civil Rights Movement


Today we started on our subtopic – The Black Civil Rights Movement. To start this topic you are to first research keywords that will show up frequently during this subtopic to further understand.


  • Segregation

The action or state of setting someone or something apart from others.

  • Integration

The ways that different groups come together to form a whole in society.

  • Racism

The discrimination against people of a certain ethnicity.

  • Passive and Peaceful Protest

A protest that doesn’t do harm and or destroy property (e.g.: not following the rules, boycotting etc).

  • Equality

The state of being ‘equal’ in status, rights, or opportunities.

BCR: Brown vs Board of Education 🧑‍⚖


Why was the SC (Supreme Court) decision important?


Oliver Brown’s daughter, Linda Brown grew up in a mixed neighbourhood. This resulted in Linda’s playmates being white and or people the same colour as her. When she was told she could finally go to school with her playmates she was over the moon, until she wasn’t accepted because of the colour of her skin.

Oliver took this up to the court to allow all schools to be mixed schools because it was racist. Simple as that. So he took this with the local court and they declined his offer. However, the Supreme Court reviewed his case and decided that all schools were NOT allowed to be segregated.


This was important because not only could Oliver’s daughter go to school, but so did many of the other coloured children could go as well. This would help people of colour get proper education and later earn much higher rank and or better jobs, if not a job (meaning that they actually could get a job). This was significant because it helped people of colour reach out for more opportunities in education, as well as to help them come out of their zone that the state requires them to stay in.


Today and yesterday we move forward into our sub-topic of Black Civil Rights. Yesterday and today we worked on a poster about MLK JR and answered questions given to us by Mr Carter. We had the choice on how we could set out our work but the majority of us created posters. Enjoy! And please give feedback and constructive criticism if you feel it’s needed >_<


During Social Science’s leading into our Montgomery Bus boycott practice assessment, we did a profile of the face of this protest.


During Social Science, we were meant to learn about South Africa’s Apartheid. So as an introduction task, we had to make a profile of the person who extended his hand to help South Africans.


Endangered Marine Life (ft. Divide Attenblock)


Endangered Marine Life (ft. Divide Attenblock)

Today we are joined by Divide Attenblock teaching us about Marine life. He tells us about Fish, Turtles and Dolphins, explaining their unique identity and why they’re endangered. I won’t spoil anymore but enjoy this educational video.

Trashing the Planet


Trashing the Planet

How are we humans damaging the planet?

  • The unsustainable use of plastic. Not being able to be maintained at the plastic rate and having it run loose to oceans, ecosystems, and even our streets.
  • Factories. Factories sometimes release smoke/steam, and waste into oceans, and also use materials from forests.
  • No solution or unity when it comes to cleaning our planet. Even if there was a green way to recycle our plastic, metal, etc. Will everyone else in the world do the same?
  • The dangerous dumping of chemicals into our ocean and land.
  • Overpopulation. Overpopulation is one of the main parts of trashing the planet. Think of it this way, if there are more people, there are more needs and wants. As well as the fact that, for example. To build houses for enough people, you need to harvest materials to build houses.
  • Harvesting materials. Some companies cut trees down and don’t replant them. As well as the use of Palm oil which comes from trees, companies have been wringing the forests dry leaving no homes for the animals in the ecosystem.

What damage is it actually doing to the ocean?

  • Chemicals being poured into our oceans create dead zones. Dead zones are areas usually on the coasts of islands where fish or ecosystems can’t live there.
  • Littering. Loose rubbish can easily be swept up through the wind and dropped into the ocean. Sometimes people just straight up drop their rubbish into the ocean.
  • Interfering with coral and other agriculture in the ocean. Practically killing coral and plants.
  • Overfishing. This is already self-explanatory, if people fish too much then there won’t be any fish left!
  • Global warming. Sea temperatures are rising ruining the ecosystem and or making it uncomfortable for fish to live in, and coral reefs to grow.




We had to fill out a vocabulary list so that we:

A) Figure out certain words we don’t know.

B) Have an idea of what words to use during our assessments.


MORE Vocabulary 

We used the new words we learned and incorporated them into a crossword.


Neutral Sentence: Filth, Trash, and Waste have been slowly building up in places forbidden.

Context: This place is the ocean; our ocean. Our ocean has been slowly but surely turning into a dump, with a dangerous plethora of chemicals, litter, and other forms of harmful materials. It’s not only the water but the life in the water. From the biggest fish to the smallest, to the brightest coral to the other plants in the ocean. Our corals have been tampered with and even started bleaching. Coral bleaching occurs when the water temperature rises (due to global warming) and they release algae and then the corals turn completely white. We are also hurting the wildlife due to a plethora of things. But once again, it’s the waste that’s doing a chunk of the damage. Sealife such as turtles might/will mistake, for example, plastic bags for jellyfish which then they start eating. Other items such as plastic rings can get animals caught up in them, causing injury and sometimes death.

Arugement: My personal comment about this is, that this is saddening. It hurts to see life deteriorate in front of our eyes, all because of our actions as people.

Summary: We need to be more aware of our oceans, it is key to learn how to take care of yourself. But you need to take care of your surroundings for you and the people around you to grow.


A digital fact sheet we created for our further understanding of rubbish in our ocean.


Plastic Pollution – WIP

Today, we watched two videos surrounding plastic pollution in Guatemala and India. We then write our thoughts

Guatemala, Rio Motagua.

Guatemala is a beautiful country. With volcanoes, scenery, and mountains there is a not-so-pretty sight. There are mounds of plastic, but today we are focusing on a river. This river has 1roughly 0-30 million kilos of plastic each year.

Since this river is a water system, it is also connected to the ocean. With 1-3 percent of plastic enters the ocean every year.



For the past four periods of Social Studies, we had to plan and create a poster. This poster was about ocean plastics. So we started to find some information to put on our poster as well as some statistics. We made it less of an eyesore with some colours and trinkets and charms, but I feel it made it more of an eyesore. Anywho, it was a fun assessment to do along with my friends Charles and Kristian.


Turritopsis dohrnii 


The Turritopsis Dohrnii is (T. Dohrnii) one of the most puzzling sea creatures to ever roam on this earth. In every corner of the earth, this charismatic hitchhiker might be everywhere but still might be difficult to spot.

Characteristics & Habitat 

With its bioluminescence glowing worldwide, and its accidental discovery in 1883, this sea creature is considered the only immortal animal. T. dohrnii is its name, but its most common name is ‘The immortal jellyfish’. The average size only being 4.5 millimetres tall and wide and only weighs one gram, The species T. dohrnii was first described by scientists in 1883.100 years later (1980s) their immortality was accidentally discovered.

How T. dornii are immortal is that they can reverse their aging process to protect themselves from fatal situations. Immortal jellyfish could reverse their lifecycle when starving/wounded. In theory, there is no limit on how many times the jellyfish can reverse. Even though this jellyfish can reverse, it doesn’t mean they’re free from predators. 


Immortal jellyfish are believed to have come from the Mediterranean Sea. Recently, they’ve now found in oceans worldwide. They predominantly live in saltwater and freshwater near the surface and throughout the deep ocean. From the cold Arctic water to warm tropical waters, this jellyfish roams in both temperate and tropical areas. It’s theorised that these jellyfish reached all around the world via hitchhiking on long-distance cargo ships.


In today’s world, animals and ecosystems on our earth are harmed by the decisions we and huge corporate companies make. E.g. dumping rubbish or dropping it on the street. Or how companies buy huge factories that litter our air. Sea temperatures favour most jellyfish species. Higher water temperatures both speed jellyfish reproduction and extend the reproductive season. Meaning that the ocean will be littered with these creatures.

Some jellyfish might thrive because of polluted waters. They do need less oxygen to survive giving them a likelihood to live longer than other marine life. This still doesn’t mean they can’t get entangled with plastics and nets from fishermen’s boats can rip polyp clumps. There are a whole load of reasons for how you help reduce global warming. But of course, it’s a matter of everyone contributing to a healthy earth day to day life. Whether it’s walking, cycling taking public transport, or saving energy at home, recycling these small things can have a big impact if everyone does the same. But what problem have we caused for this tiny jellyfish?

Conservation & Protect 

There are a whole load of reasons for how you help reduce global warming. But of course, it’s a matter of everyone contributing to a healthy earth day to day life. Whether it’s walking, cycling taking public transport, saving energy at home, or recycling these small things can have a big impact if everyone does the same.


Even the smallest of creatures need the biggest amount of help. Though it’s not on the critically endangered, we can always do something to protect it. It can start with something small, but if everyone pitches in change can be made.


Murder & Mayhem

In Social Studies we are starting a new topic called Murder & Mayhem. The topic’s title explains what it is already, but in case you didn’t catch that it’s about Murderers and other forms of Mayhem. I hope you enjoy my work around

this brand new topic.


So our very first activity was to create a timeline about the headings of this topic. In total there are seven topics.

But the seventh topic isn’t included because it is an independent research, so we just gotta stick with 1-6. Here’s my cool timeline :3


I’m catching up on some work that I haven’t finished/posted yet. It’s currently the 15th. But anyway, here’s some of the words we had to find the definitions of that’ll appear a lot during this topic.


Crime and Punishment unpacking. We had to also pick three to define further as to why the punishment was the punishment.



I wasn’t here on the double period last thursday so I wasn’t sure if I missed something or not. Anyway, we had a reliever in our class and we were instructed to find definitions to certain words then make a crossword or word find.

I created my word search with this website.
















During Social studies, we had to answer a few questions as to why Australia was chosen as the Convict Colony. We had to use either a piece of paper or a google slide and answer these questions. Mr Carter also explained that having focus questions helps the teacher understand that you understand what you’re writing about. I kept my work awfully basic, because at the end of the day it’s all about the answers not the aesthetic.



As per usual, our first task is to define some key words of this subtopic so that it’s easier for us to understand.


The first world war is one of the most significant wars in history. With millions of people participating all over the world and many wounded and died. In this case we discuss the significance of this war for New Zealand soldiers. Many people, usually men, either were put into conscription or volunteered to fight for their country. If you worked in a farm or a factory, you were mostly likely to be put on a boat and get minimal training to fight. Women only served as medical help, or in simpler words, Nurses. New Zealand served Great Britain instead of their own country. Some people objected due to their religious or moral values, but it would never work.

This caused a scar on New Zealand having their men sent to war to die. The population of New Zealand during this time was around 1 million and a whopping 103,000 served during the first world war. That was 10% of the population. With 18,500 dead, 2700 at Gallipoli.


The Allies during world war one consisted of a lot of countries. The primary ally countries were, Russia, Rumania, Serbia, Albania, Greece, Portugal France, Belgium, Italy, England and Ireland.


Why did we go to War for Great Britain?

We went to War to protect the Crown. In short, the King made an announcement about having to protect their ‘rank’ or their Crown. Since we are also a part of the British Colony, many put their foot down. Many Maori people had different opinions, saying ‘Why should we fight for a country that stole ours?’ some said that they wished to fight to prove that they are equal to the Pakeha people.

What does this war declaration tell us about New Zealand at the time and our relationship with Great Britain.

Reading the primary source, it basically tells us that during that time, Great Britain’s New Zealand representative makes an announcement in the Parliamentary House in Wellington, that they need people. People that are willing to sacrifice themselves for the Crown, for their heritage and their birthright. They pledged their allegiance and so did plenty of other British colonies. Assuring them that they’ll have enough support and help when they’re on the battle ground.


Last week we were given a task to do that followed up the Te Papa virtual tour. We had to pick one of the giants that we were introduced to. I picked Lottie Le Gallais. Honestly I spun a wheel between the giants and it landed on Lottie. I won’t spoil it more, I hope my poster is helpful.

Digital Story-Telling

Today during Social Studies, our focus was learning about New Zealand art and technology. So our task was to create a poster about music artists, artists, inventors or inventions. I created a poster about the very popular New Zealand singer, Lorde.

For Social Studies, we are learning about New Zealand history. So the first thing we created was a Pepeha. A Pepeha is a way of introducing yourself in Maori terms. Which include your Maunga (Mountain), moana (Body of water), iwi (tribe, marae (meeting grounds), and more about you.  Since I am not from New Zealand, I had some trouble with my pepeha, but I just skipped the stuff that didn’t apply to me. Also excuse the fact that the letters didn’t have macrons and the really bad spelling.


Yesterday we were assigned a task about either death and dying or a war where New Zealand was involved. I picked the war one, the Vietnam war one. If you were doing the death and dying task, you were to write paragraphs. But if you were doing the one about war, which is what I am doing, then you were to create a poster.


Up until now were the days were I wrote, finished and posted my learning the same day as I was originally meant to, but now I’m just making sure everything from this topic is over and done with before I move on. On this task, we had to figure out the definition of some words and use those words to create a crossword/word find. Being the very lazy person I am, I used an online generator and let the internet do its magic. Even though I most definitely won’t do the word find, I suggest that you do it and write in the comments how many words you found.

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