Tag: PE

Touch Rugby Reflection T2


Touch Rugby Reflection 

This term (Term 2) during P.E., we learned about Touchy Rugby. We learnt how to play, what the rules were and a few techniques to enhance our skill in passing.

Touch rugby is played with 6 players on each team on the field at one time (but that changed slightly because of the number of people in our class). The field that we are to play touch in is 50 m wide and 70 m in length.


  • Touch Ball
  • Bibs


  • You cannot drop the ball, if doing so it’s a handover to the other team.
  • You cannot pass forward.
  • Try your hardest not to get touched.
  • It is prohibited to tackle somebody.
  • After 6 touches, it’s a handover to the other team.


One thing I improved at was, passing and running at the same time. There’s a specific way of passing a rugby ball that makes it hard to look forward when you run. You are to use both of your arms and throw it across your body to the person who you’re trying to pass it to. I feel I have improved in this part because I now drop the ball less than I used to, and my aim is right when I pass. Hand-eye coordination got a lot better.

One thing I enjoyed was, how easy it was. I’m not saying that touch is an easy sport to play, but the rules and guidelines are simple and once you make sense of them, it’s actually pretty fun. There were no exceptions to the rules (that I know of) and everything was pretty much straightforward.

I could keep working, on building confidence to be more head-first in the game. I admit I don’t like playing sports or playing in a team, with friends or not. But as time went on, I learned to suck it up and include myself in the game, though I feel like I could’ve done a better job in doing so.

I always bring my PE gear to school, at least for now…

Out of 10, I’d give myself a 6.5. This might be a biased way of scoring it because as I stated before I don’t like sports or working in a team. But I still give myself more than a five because, despite my dislike of those things, I managed to include myself in games and function properly while building more skill.



  • Hold the ball with two hands at all times to create confusion in defense.
  • Get touched on purpose to set up a ruck and force the defense to retreat 5m.
  • Initiate the defender so you control the speed of the game.
  • Dummy half pass the ball to a receiver who is angling back to the ruck.


Endurance & Running

The Beep Test – Day One.




What was my grade from the chart?

Poor (F)

To Pace myself next time, I’m going to:

  • Breath Properly (In through the nose, out through the mouth)
  • Keep a stable pace rather than going fast once and then jogging a second.
  • Start by walking, then jogging, then running and eventually (hopefully) sprinting. AKA – Start at a lower speed on lower levels.



Physical Education


Physical Education

Last term, we had the opportunity to change our PE classes based on what level we wanted to be a part of. There are 3 levels in total, mine being the ‘not so sporty’ class.


There are quite a handful of pros that came with this decision :

  • Students can actually pick what they’re comfortable with. Some students aren’t so enthusiastic about P.E resulting in less effort in P.E classes. Having the ‘not so sporty’ class can really help them make an effort to move around without straining/making as much of an effort. This can also be the opposite. Having the highest level can help other students spread their wings when it comes to P.E. There’s a lot of talent that deserves to be shown in each student.
  • I feel as though making this decision actually takes pressure on some students. I have seen some situations where the more sporty/competitive people accidentally put pressure on some students who aren’t fond of sports/ aren’t as sporty.


There aren’t any cons that I could think of, the changes in classes are really helpful more me in particular.

New Skills & Games

I’ve learned a lot of different games/variations of different games. Take today for example where we did a variation of softball with a soccer twist. A skill that I’ve learned is spinning sticks off of a plate, it’s an obscure skill but I learned it. During

Something I’d like to do..

Play more sports rather than sport related activities.

P.E T2


During P.E we are doing winter sports. So far we have done netball, soccer, and hockey.

I’m gonna tell you two rules for each sport.


1) You can’t push other players

2) You can’t run when holding the ball.


1) You can’t use your hands

2) ????


1) You can’t use the back of the stick

2) You can’t use your feet to move

Something I enjoyed was, not doing as much typing and paperwork.

One thing I’d like to do is, learn the rules more because I’m sick of my team giving me bad feedback even though I’m not familiar with how to play.

I’d rate my enjoyment 7.5/10

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