Tag: English

Free Reading


Free Reading

DAY ONE 17/10/23 ! – おべんと Obento, student book.

こんいちは readers! During my first two weeks back at school in tried to shift my gears to change back into the school cycle. One of the major things I have to adjust my gears for is Japanese. The reason why I wanted to start learning Japanese is not only for their culture but because studies prove that learning another language makes you smarter. From Linked In: A recent study by Dr. Thomas Bak — a lecturer at Edinburgh University— shows that young bilingual adults performed better on attention tests and had better concentration than those who spoke only one language.

Anyway, my せんせい handed me an old Obento student book. This basically is a book for the basics of Japanese which includes mangas, examples, new vocab, and more. This was the older version so I’d imagine it to be far different from the new one.

I recapped on some mannerisms, greetings, and ひらがな hiragana (one of the alphabets in Japanese)

DAY TWO 24/10/23 –  Persuasive Article

Today I read on ‘Stuff’, Stuff is a news article website about news in New Zealand. During this period, I read about a situation that happened in King’s College about a creepy rugby coach. Apparently, he has been convicted of sexual abuse before in the UK then moved to NZ and worked at Kings College.

Term Three, Personal Reading.


Hello, I’m sure you saw me do this last term and the month before, but this is my personal reading blog. In case you’re unfamiliar with this blogpost. I basically share what I’ve read and my opinions about it.

Miles Morales – Vol 2

What Happened?

I’m not sure if I remembered the title correctly, but that was as close as what I could remember. So basically, what I’ve read is that Miles only recently figured out he had spider powers. The prowler (his uncle Aaron) is a famous thief and bought something from the tinkerer. The tinkerer makes weapons and defensive items and sells them. Everyone was amazed that there was a brand new spiderman, some people thought it was a public stunt, but it was as real as gold. Later once Uncle Aaron figured out who Miles really was, he offered to train him and asked for help to take down Scorpion. Miles was hesitant because his Mom told him that his Uncle Aaron was a thief and so was his dad who is now a police officer. Miles had only told Ganke Lee (his roommate at Brooklyn Vision) what he was capable of. Miles then receives a text from his Uncle asking AGAIN if he was up to the challenge. Miles accepted and it was left on a cliffhanger.


I really enjoy reading Marvel and DC comics, so finding this in the school library was like a dream come true. Looking at the cover I was excited to open it up and read it.  Also, before the Marvel fanatics come at me for me re-telling what happened, I know it sucked. I just simplified as much as I could. Now just because I love Marvel I won’t give this book an immediate look. Given my own opinion on this, I think it’s a good book. It gives us enough lore and enough filler that it isn’t too much/too little. It has the perfect filler to action to lore ratio. I especially love the art style and aspire to gain that skill.


Narative Reading.

Myths, Legends, Fairy Tales & Fables.


What are Myths?

Today, I looked more into the definition of a Myth. A myth is a symbolic narrative that forms an unknown origin. Some myths are traditional myths and there are PLENTY of them in different cultures. It is said that sometimes they relate to actual events and some with religious belief.

A Creation Myth.


For english, we listened to Mrs Clark re-tell the Maori creation story. We kept notes during the whole thing so that we could analyse the story. Of course, I was dozing off in my own world and just copied the notes Mrs Clark made. After noting everything down, we then put it into a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast different creation stories. I had an interest in Egyptian Mythology and other facts on Egyptian history. So I found that this wu

Story One, A Maori Creation Story.


Male Gods


  • Separation of mother and father.
  • Disagreement between siblings.

Ideas / Main Notes,

  • Males
  • Earth / Sky
  • Te Po
  • Sexual Attraction
  • Weather disruption – Storms
  • Land and Sky separated
  • Tu – Humans

Story Two, An Egyptian Creation Story.

Characters, Hours (Son of Isis and Osiris), Ra (The shining one), Seth (the envious brother of Osiris), Geb (God of the sky), Nut (God of the earth), Isis (daughter of the gods Geb & Nut), Osiris (Isis’ brother/King of the Dead), Shu (God of air), Tefnut (Goddess of Rain)


  • Relatives of God’s
  • Pharaohs
  • Betrayal / Envy

Main Idea / Main Notes,

In the land there was nothing but the waters of Nun. Out of the water rose and Island and Ra who was named the Shining one, the first to set foot on Egypt. Ra had a confidential name which gave him the power to create anything into a being with a word or a glance. Ra created the Shu, the God of air and Tefnut, the Goddess of rain. After those two came Geb, the god of the earth, and Nut the Goddess of the sky. Ra then took a shape of the man to become Pharaoh. Then after that Geb and Nut gave birth to a bright Goddess named Isis, who married her brother Osiris. Ra did not want to give Osiris is crown but he grew old. So to speed up the process, Isis used his powers against Ra. She drooled on the sand and created a cobra. The following day the light  of Ra accidentally looked at the cobra and gave it life. The cobra bit Ra and he grew weak. On his side, Isis offered to heal him if he told her his secret name. He said “I am Khepera at dawn, Ra at noon and Tum in the evening.” Isis kept her word and healed Ra. Once Isis knew his name Ra could no longer stay on Earth. Instead he took part in the heavens and across and acted as the sun. Once it was night he passed through the underworld called Duat. As dawn rose he returned to the heavens taking the spirits of the dead with him who had won a place in this heavenly kingdom. Ra became Amen Ra.

Then there was Seth, Osiris’ younger brother. He envied him, he wanted to be Pharaoh. Seth invited Osiris to a banquet with some friends. He said whoever could fit in this casket can have it. Seth’s friends tried but could not fit, until it was Osiri’s turn. He fit perfectly, until Seth slammed the casket and sealed it shut with Osiris inside. The coffin was thrown into the Nile river, and Osiris died becoming the King of the Dead.


Comparing it with the first story, they had their similarities. Like the legend both were Polytheism legends meaning that they had multiple Gods. The did also had some male Gods there too. They had different Elements for different God’s. Like how Ranginui and Geb are both the God/Goddess of the sky. They also related it because there was a lot about family. The different Gods in the Maori Creation story consisted of Sons and Parents, and the Egyptian creation story consisted of a family too being Geb, Nut, Isis, Osiris and Seth. The two also have similarities because the Earth and Sky both had children. There were also a lot of arguments, like how Tane did not want their mother and father to separate, and how Seth wanted to be Pharaoh and killed his brother.


There are a boatload of differences that these two stories have. First, they both come from separate cultures and countries which is what makes them so different the differences could be as simple as their names. The Egyptian creation story both had God and Goddesses. But in the Maori creation story, the Gods consisted mostly of males. The Egyptian creation story also had a lot to do with Royalties Pharaohs.

More Creation Stories.


A Polynesian Creation Story

In Polynesian Mythology there are a few Gods and Goddesses. There was Father Sky and Mother Earth, Polynesians believed that both of these Gods were the creators and the source of Life.

There is also another Myth, who is famous across all Polynesia, Maui. Maui was considered to me a joker but is most known from his remarkable strength and wisdom. He carries a magic hook and he use’s to slow down the sun so there’s more light. He was popularised all over the world through a Movie named Moana.

Greek Mythology.

There are a lot of layers to Greek Mythology. It is one of the most popular myths in the world. With a long line of family and prestigious events. There was the first, Chaos. Who is the creator of Gaia, Mother of most Creation. She then gave birth to Uranus, the king of the sky. Uranus then became the father to many other principal Gods.



What are symbols?
Symbols are a form of media representing something. It could be a verb or noun and the forms of media could be a highlight of an article, or a logo for a brand etc. An example of a visual symbol is the Alphabet. Things like Hiragana, one of Japan’s alphabets or ancient hieroglyphics. Symbols are everywhere! Like emojis on our phones, road signs and dollar signs! Sometimes symbols help give more context to something. Like if you were to write “oh.. 🙁” it’ll be different from “Oh! 😊.” The symbols used in those are the emojis and the use of punctuation.


To make a visual example. I will pick an image that symbolises me, I will also unpack as to why I chose this image..

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I chose this image because…

Everyday at school I wear my headphones whether I’m listening to music or not. A part of it is also because music is a big part of my life, it’s in my personality, culture and my day-to-day life. I also wear it to reduce the small noises in order for me to stay glued to my work. If you were to meet me, I’ll probably have my headphones on my head or slinged around my neck.

More Creation Stories.


Thai Folklore

This type of Folklore is also shared with the Laos and the Chinese, but they still have their differences and similarities. Although, today we will be talking about Thailand’s side of things. The Phaya Nagas appear in Buddhist and Hindu cosmology. It was said the Naga sheltered Buddha from the rain while he was praying. The Kamchanod Forest is believed to be the border between the human world and the netherworld. There are a lot of more beliefs that tie into that forest, but it’s more known as Naga’s home.


End of T2 Post – English ’23


Film Study – Wonder

For this term, we moved our focus of english to film study. To catch some of you up, film study is basically where we unpack anything and everything from a film. The most important thing we had to unpack our film study was,

  • The Genre
  • Body language / Emotions
  • Film angles and shots
  • Music
  • Setting and colour.

The film we watched for this was ‘Wonder’. A story about a boy with facial deformities who overcomes bullying and makes friends along the way. After the film we wrote a film review using our own opinions and things we liked and or disliked/would change. The next thing after that was an essay, unpacking all the things listed above and talked about why. I had fun writing the essay, but it was difficult because I’ve only watched the film once. We all know, to write an informative and well structured essay that you need information. This information was a little vague because not only have I seen it once, but I have a horrible memory. Some of the stuff you’ve maybe heard about in my recent english posts.

Film Review



By Miles Flight 🙂


This is what is known as a thesis statement. This is what will draw your readers into your article or your essay. Since this is a review, emotive language is encouraged and uses some quotes from the movie that can draw the reader’s attention.

Emotive Language

The negative aspects of the film, or you could say the parts where there were a lot of negative emotions were right at the beginning. Auggie was almost isolated, it’s almost like he’s lonely but not alone. The only people he would talk to at the start of the film, excluding family members, was Miranda (Via’s friend). 

As well as the mounds of negativity that Auggie (August) received. Looks, stares, comments and people running away shouting “It’s the plague!” Auggie only said he liked school because it was to make his mom feel better about him being put in the first place. You can tell because when he said he liked school, he didn’t make eye contact and just stared at his dinner plate. Of course, since he was physically different, it made him stick out.

Did I like the film? – My Opinion

Wonder is a good movie. With the genre of Family, Drama and a little bit of romance. It’s a great movie for all ages. It really puts the message across to not bully people because of how they look and what they can and can’t do. “Auggie can’t change the way he looks, so maybe we need to change the way we see” is an outstanding quote. Although this isn’t my type of movie to watch myself, it’s still a great movie.

Praise – What went well?

This part, I’m just going to write my two of my favourite parts of the story and why I liked them.

  • Summer and Auggie became friends

After Summer sat the opposite of Auggie during break. We can already tell that they were going to become friends because of the soft music and as well as the conversation. Plus from the picture I just added on the first page, they shook hands. 

  • The Relationship between Via and her Grandmother.

This part of the movie really stuck with me because, as a person who has been left in the dust before, seeing that Via’s Grandmother was her rock really made my heart warm. When Via walked all the way to the beach to relive the moment also made me a little emotional. 

“Revolved Around the Sun/Son not the daughter”

  • Miranda trying to make up for what happened between her and Via.

When I first saw Miranda, I just assumed she was mean and a backstabber. But once I saw her background all she wanted was to be like Via. And when Via called Auggie telling him to apologise on her behalf and started crying, you know that she really meant that she’s sorry. As well as apologising over the phone and asking someone to apologise for her, you can tell she’s ashamed of what she’s done. Giving her the main part of the play was also a kind but sudden gesture. Miranda being on the sidelines watching Via go made her proud but still, more guilty than ever. She didn’t have all the lights to be on her this time, so she passed it on to Via.

Miranda: “Can you tell Via I miss her?”

Auggie: “Why can’t you tell her yourself?”

Miranda:  “…”

Critique – What didn’t go well?

I agree with Miss Carter. When Daisy (the family dog) died, it was meant to be a very emotional part of the movie too. But there was barely anything. Sure it was Via’s rehearsal after, but really they could’ve done a better job. I mean kids wouldn’t cry if their beloved dog died. 

Wonder Essay



By Miles Flight



Wonder. It’s the average all ages movie about anti bullying. It has Drama, Family, Friendship and even a bit of Romance. This Film is a well structured film. It really spoke their message about anti-bullying, the out-come bullying and sometimes simple misunderstandings in general.

Examples of the ‘bullying’ how Auggie was left out and made fun of for his physical appearance. Or how Via gets mistreated by Miranda and gets accidentally left out by her family. An example of Romance is the tension between Via and Justin. 

This essay will basically state what I have analysed in the Film. From the characters to the camera angles, to the music. Basically just a giant overview of the entirety of the film.

Film Aspect & Techniques


In the mysterious cove of movies and film. The setting is undeniably the most important part of any film. To put it in short, it gives the reader a lot of information and context. E.g you wouldn’t see children sit down and learn algebra underwater. Film is an important part when it comes to context. Let’s unpack a couple of examples.


Nestled in a quiet neighbourhood, this setting embodies warmth, love, and a sense of security. The home exudes a vibrant and lived-in atmosphere, with its comfortable furniture, photographs on the walls, and the comforting aroma of home-cooked meals. 

Within these walls, we witness the strong bond between August (Auggie) Pullman and his parents, Mr and Mrs Pullman, as they navigate the challenges of Auggie’s facial differences and his journey into a mainstream school. The home becomes a sanctuary, a place where Auggie’s true self is cherished, and where the family’s unconditional love provides solace amidst the storm of judgement and uncertainty.


In a distressing and pivotal scene, Auggie and his supportive friend, Summer, embark on a field trip to a nature retreat. This picturesque setting serves as a metaphorical escape from the noise and judgments of the world. 

Surrounded by lush greenery, towering trees, and the soothing sounds of nature, Auggie finds solace and a renewed sense of self-acceptance. The retreat offers a calming atmosphere that presses pause to everything going on, allowing Auggie to embrace his own unique beauty and find strength in his individuality. It becomes a sanctuary where the characters shed their insecurities, bond with one another, and discover the transformative power of authentic connections.


In every film, there has to be your camera angles and your background music. Having these aspects in film helps the audience empathise with what’s happening in the film. The genre’s of this Film are a bit of a mix. But the main genre is Drama. Next to Drama is Family and a little bit of Romance. Let’s get into the examples..


A little bit into the film after Julian overstepped a few boundaries. Jack snapped and started to battle it out unexpectedly in the school hallways. If it weren’t for Mr Brown, there would’ve been more than a few scratches.

Let’s start to unpack this scene. So based on the walls and the position of the characters. The camera is nearing the ground and is pointing up-wards. This usually means that the person that is nearing the top of the frame has the most power. Think of it like a superhero standing tall against their sworn enemy. An angle like that is called a Low Angle shot. In the screenshot above, you can also tell that it’s kind of on an angle. It’s on this angle because having it like that, provides an unusual and dramatic perspective. An angle like that is no other than the Dutch Tilt. Once you put all of the angles and effects together it really does have a more dramatic effect. If it was just at a standing position only, it would just have less emotion that it has. To make a drama film, you need it to be dramatic.


Other than Auggie’s Mother helping Auggie in every step of his life. The amount of support Auggie got before he fled into school was somewhat touching. Not only was his parents there to wish Auggie a good day, but also his older sister Via. Even though Auggie is the reason why Via is being accidentally left out in the family, she still loves him no matter what. It really speaks about the importance and loyalty of family.

Unfortunately, this is the only screenshot I was able to find that would fit the scene I wanted to unpack. But anywho, throughout the farewells and good wishes, there were two specific angles. There was a POV Shot of Auggie looking up at his parents as they’re comforting him. A POV shot is basically where the camera is in the eyes of the character. Almost like the audience is watching from behind the eyes and in the mind of the character. The reason why the director had the camera in those chosen shots was to empathise the moment more. To make it feel like you’re wishing August a good day too.


Of course after the somewhat sappy goodbyes, Auggie had to make his way to class. Being homeschooled your whole life and knowing the people around you is easy. But what’s not easy is going into a big place with hundreds of people your age you hardly know. To August, it’s like tossing a wad of meat into a lion’s den, you either get your self esteem health chomped away, or they lose interest and ignore you. Once everybody started flooding in, August was sitting waiting for the time to pass by, and small hope for a friend.

This shot is a very common but good choice for a situation like this. You’re lonely, have no one and you hardly know your surroundings enough to find a solid place to hide his face from the crowd, figuratively though. Looking at the screenshot above is what we call the Elevated (High) shot. The purpose of this shot is to make the main subject look vulnerable, small and weak. In this case, the shot was used perfectly.


Every single film has music and sound effects. At least modern films have music and sound effects. Anywho, music is also one of the most important film aspects in directing/creating a movie. It’s so important in fact that captions include what type of music and what sound effect they’re playing. Why does there need to be music to have a good film? How does Wonder show this aspect of filmmaking? In case you didn’t get the memo, let’s unpack a simple scene.


This part of the movie was emotional. Emotional as in joyful. To add some background to the single frame presented.. Auggie and his class applied for a camp because it was somewhat mandatory. August hesitated but with some encouragement, he followed through and joined the class camp. In this scene in particular, Auggie and a handful of students were exploring the woods. Until they encountered a party of older students and they fought. After the fight they took off to the riverside and stood together in the sunset. 

The lyrics of the music of this scene was pretty self explanatory. “I know we’re gonna be friends”, pretty much those lyrics summed up what’s happening in the scene. The soft sombre music really tied it together too. This really speaks to the importance of music. If there wasn’t any music at all, it would just be awkward unknown silence. I like this scene because it’s straightforward. It just tells you that they’re going to become friends.


Of course there are the beautiful cast of characters. Characters are something that you need to try your hardest to build. Without a proper personality of a character, the storyline would be completely messed up. Of course the personalities can change just like that, but there is no explanation why. 


Miranda is one of the best characters to use as an example. When she’s first introduced in the story, she made an impression that she was a fake friend. She left Via out during lunch and sat with a group of other friends, excluding her. Miranda played it off and so did Via. But Via was utterly confused. From what we know, not only did she change her personality but she changed her physical appearance. 

Comparing her from her first appearance to the play, she didn’t really change; she just wanted to fit in with a group of other people. Miranda had her own segment in the movie explaining her backstory and the relationship between the Pullmans (Auggie and Via family). Miranda was like a sister or a daughter to the Pullmans, they were so close that they were considered family. In that segment we can see that all Miranda wanted to be was to be Via. She wanted to have a brother like Auggie to talk about and wanted a life like hers.

The play situation was when Miranada realised how awful she was towards Via. So what she did was give Via the main character role. Of course Via killed the part, and Miranda was watching from the backstage entry. The teacher was also surprised at how well Via played with such limited time.

Another part where we can see Miranda in her true kind personality, is on the phone with Auggie. The reason why Miranda called Auggie was to apologise to Via. Auggie asks why she doesn’t apologise to Via herself, but she grows silent in her tears.

Can you tell Via that I’m sorry?” – Miranda

Why can’t you tell her yourself?


We can’t forget about the true main character here, Auggie Pullman. As you can tell, Auggie was awfully shy and isolated in his own home in fear of being bullied. Before school, Auggie was homeschooled by his mother. He had a bright mind and fell in love with Science, more specifically Astronomy. Auggie always wore his astronaut helmet while playing or roleplaying, or to hide his face. His helmet was his protection shield.

As we watch further into the movie, he has his ups and downs but continues to attend school. Later on he makes his first friend Jack Will. He gets into a situation where Jack will look like a bad guy, but it was a misunderstanding. Then he makes his next friend, Summer Dawson. They meet during lunch. After that, Auggie gains a lot of reassurance from Summer that he won’t be alone and there will be no accusations in the friendship as Summer clearly states.

I don’t like being accused of things!” – Summer Dawson.

After that he gains friends after a fight during camp. Only having each other versus a bunch of aggravated teenagers from the other side of camp, they could only flee back. And they did, and successfully knocked most onto the ground and fled from the scene to not make things more violent.

Another scene where we can see the August change was during graduation. If you compare August to his first day versus his last. You can tell things have changed for the better. Auggie went from lonely and anxiety filled to proud and friendly. 

First day of School

Graduation Day


Via Pullman was always introverted and kept to herself. Mostly because she only had one friend and was left behind by her family. The only person who truly felt like family to Via, was her Grandmother. Her Grandmother used to talk to her on the beach or whenever she had problems of her own. Via loved her grandmother like it was the only thing that mattered.

Once her Grandmother passed, it shook her right to the core. She didn’t know if she could ever trust someone like that again, especially after what Miranda pulled after camp.

Mrs Pullman, Via’s mother, was always all over Auggie. Making sure he’s okay, he came home safely, or homeschooling him. Via was left out because of her infamous appearance in her massive highschool, and her being in her room. But, Via wasn’t jealous of Auggie nor mad. She knew that Auggie needed more support, that’s why she never spoke out. Via only wished for her Grandmother’s company one more time on the sandy beach.

“Revolved Around the Sun/Son not the daughter”

Of course, Via’s popularity struck after being swiftly placed into the main role of her production. Of course, she nailed it and the audience was impressed. Another person that helped her break out of her shell is her boyfriend, Justin Hollander. It started off as Justin being interested in her mysterious personality, he longed to get to know her better just so he could get a grasp of an other-worldy aspect of her beauty.

  “You’re so quiet.” – Justin.

She went from being an introverted girl, to still an introverted girl but with a lot more confidence than she had in the beginning.


In the end, “Wonder” is a cinematic masterpiece that utilises the interplay of setting, camera angles, music, and character development to create a deeply moving and inspirational story. 

It reminds us of the beauty of compassion, the strength of the human spirit, and the importance of embracing our individuality. Through the synergy of these cinematic elements, “Wonder” touches our hearts, leaving a lasting impact and a reminder of the profound power of empathy in our own lives.

Happy Brodcasting

As you know during some classes, we get our gears in our brain warmed up by writing some summative things about good things in the world. Next term, we are starting on stating our opinions as well as summarising the article.

The link to the blogpost is here

FW: Free Writing.

We’re starting a brand new blogpost for english. This post is a post that’ll be updated every time I do free writing. So I hope you enjoy the free writing I’ll be producing during english.


For today, our free writing is about what could be changed in Hornby High School. I gave my honest opinion using my experiences with this school, even though I haven’t been here for a full year.

What could be improved in Hornby High School.

Positive Aspects.

Using my own perspective and what I experienced. Hornby High School is a great school. The teachers are nice and understanding, and the leaders are picked well. Joining Hornby High school was like setting a bird out of a cage, I felt much freer. Having a fresh new start at this school really helped me spread my wings and become more confident in my learning.

The students are mostly nice. But then again you can’t judge people based on how they act. The social circle that I have built for myself is perfect. I enjoy looking forward to school everyday. Last year I would not believe me saying that I love school.

Hornby High school is also very supportive. When I asked for help based on my gender identity, I gained a lot of help and support. From friends at school to the counselors to the teachers. They’re very welcoming and to be honest, they’re a very fun school too.

Mutual Aspects.

The school is very direct with their rules and regulations. I liked that about the school. Because if the teacher’s let students walk all over them, not only will the student not learn anything. But the rest of the class as well. The cafeteria has good food too and people rarely cut lines too. Everyone shows a reasonable amount of respect to everybody and the property too.

Negative Aspects.

There aren’t a lot of things I dislike about the school. Like I presented in the words above, it is a nice school. But I do dislike how students film TikToks in the school changing rooms. It’s really uncomfortable to film and or take pictures in a sensitive place like the changing rooms. 


Free writing again today. This topic is dreaming. This part of my free writing is kinda a sad in a way but I just think and write it down.


According to the google definition, a dream is a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep. And the google definition of nightmare is, an unpleasant dream.


When I think of dreams, I think of memories. 

When I dream, I used to dream about things that already happened. It could be as simple as a single conversation about anything. Or a period in school that made its way into my subconscious. It could be a single image of something or just a really fast rewind of something that my subconscious coughed up. Of course, there are nightmares. Things that you regret can show up as a constant reminder of what you’ve done. It could just be a feeling, sometimes a feeling that you can just forget. Dreaming is cruel.


Dreams can be a love-hate relationship to people, one of those people being me. Just to clarify, I’m not just talking about nightmares, I’m talking about dreams. The reason why I’m saying that it could be a love-hate relationship is because you can build this world where you could be the happiest you’ve ever been. You could be the most successful, happiest person in your life. You could have anything you ever wanted. But the worst part about dreaming is that you have to wake up. 

Something even worse than that is, you could’ve re-experienced a happy memory in your life, but it just fades away as you get closer and closer from waking up.


28/04 Diversity 

The google definition of diversity is ‘the state of being diverse: variety’. Situations where I have experienced diversity was when I flew to different countries. Being introduced to different people, cultures and schools. Diversity can cover all genres when it comes to differences. It could be the way you look, versus your hobbies when you compare it to someone else’s hobbies.

1/05 Actors and Song

1) My favourite Actors (that I can remember), are Ryan Reynolds and Keanu Reeves I know what you’re thinking, “overrated” or “safe pick”. Let’s all be real right now, even though hundreds probably millions like them, doesn’t make them any worse. But the reason why Ryan Reynolds my favorite actor is because of the Deadpool movie series. And the reason why Keau Reeves is my favourite character, is the greatest movie series, John Wick.

2) Songs that would define my life would be The Closing Song to the Sponge-bob Square-pants show. Why? Because usually I’m in my own square and zone out randomly or do random things I like doing, and what better song to describe randomness than the good ol’ Spongebob Outro.

19/05 – Wonder Film Review



By Miles Flight 🙂


This is what is known as a thesis statement. This is what will draw your readers into your article or your essay. Since this is a review, emotive language is encouraged and uses some quotes from the movie that can draw the reader’s attention.

Emotive Language

The negative aspects of the film, or you could say the parts where there were a lot of negative emotions were right at the beginning. Auggie was almost isolated, it’s almost like he’s lonely but not alone. The only people he would talk to at the start of the film, excluding family members, was Miranda (Via’s friend). 

As well as the mounds of negativity that Auggie (August) received. Looks, stares, comments and people running away shouting “It’s the plague!” Auggie only said he liked school because it was to make his mom feel better about him being put in the first place. You can tell because when he said he liked school, he didn’t make eye contact and just stared at his dinner plate. Of course, since he was physically different, it made him stick out.

Did I like the film? – My Opinion

Wonder is a good movie. With the genre of Family, Drama and a little bit of romance. It’s a great movie for all ages. It really puts the message across to not bully people because of how they look and what they can and can’t do. “Auggie can’t change the way he looks, so maybe we need to change the way we see” is an outstanding quote. Although this isn’t my type of movie to watch myself, it’s still a great movie.

Praise – What went well?

This part, I’m just going to write my two of my favourite parts of the story and why I liked them.

  • Summer and Auggie became friends

After Summer sat the opposite of Auggie during break. We can already tell that they were going to become friends because of the soft music and as well as the conversation. Plus from the picture I just added on the first page, they shook hands. 

  • The Relationship between Via and her Grandmother.

This part of the movie really stuck with me because, as a person who has been left in the dust before, seeing that Via’s Grandmother was her rock really made my heart warm. When Via walked all the way to the beach to relive the moment also made me a little emotional. 

“Revolved Around the Sun/Son not the daughter”

  • Miranda trying to make up for what happened between her and Via.

When I first saw Miranda, I just assumed she was mean and a backstabber. But once I saw her background all she wanted was to be like Via. And when Via called Auggie telling him to apologise on her behalf and started crying, you know that she really meant that she’s sorry. As well as apologising over the phone and asking someone to apologise for her, you can tell she’s ashamed of what she’s done. Giving her the main part of the play was also a kind but sudden gesture. Miranda being on the sidelines watching Via go made her proud but still, more guilty than ever. She didn’t have all the lights to be on her this time, so she passed it on to Via.

Critique – What didn’t go well?

I agree with Miss Carter. When Daisy (the family dog) died, it was meant to be a very emotional part of the movie too. But there was barely anything. Sure it was Via’s rehearsal after, but really they could’ve done a better job. I mean kids wouldn’t cry if their beloved dog died.


Happy Brodcasting – Term 2


Happy Broadcasting – Mushrooms

Scientists at the University of Sydney discovered that two types of mold break down stubborn plastic.

It took 90 days for the fungi to decay 27% of plastic used in the test, and 140 days to completely break it down.



Happy Broadcasting – Amsterdam Rembrandt Museum.

The Amsterdam’s Rembrandt House museum is opening a tattoo stand offering original designs based on Rembrandt’s artwork to lure in younger audiences.

As a part of the museum’s ‘poor man’s Rembrandt project’, visitors can get a tattoo between the 19th and 25th of June.



Happy Broadcasting – Fungi Power

Researchers are now saying that Fungi are being held more heavily in conservation. They’re doing this to investigate whether we can increase the amount of carbon the soil underneath us can hold.



People are starting to go green! Recent data shows that thrift store purchases are about to grow 3 times faster than any clothing store. I think this is great for people who cannot afford buying clothes from stores and buy from thrift stores instead. I also think it’s better for the environment because they’re putting more clothes/old clothes in the green loop.

Happy Brodcasting

Finland holds their record of being the ‘Happiest Country’ for six years in a row. Apparently, the reason why they hold this record is because how people describe their sense of ‘wellbeing’. They also count the amount of gross domestic product, social support system, personal freedom and levels of corruption.

Link Here

The trial for a four-day week of work in the UK showed a decrease in rates of anxiety, stress and illness for the staff who participated in this trial. Last year in June is when they started the trial, it lasted for six months. The amount of sick days were dropped roughly two thirds.










Statistical Analysis shows that one in ten of all early deaths might be prevented if people got up and moved more than we currently do. Walking for at least 11 minutes could lower your risk of early death by almost 25 percent.


Reading Blog post.

For English today we did sustained silent reading again. You’ll be expecting this post for a while because I read like turtles walk. Slow. I read very slowly. Anyway, I’m still reading the same book about astronomy. I read about Mars, the Moon, more about earth and a little bit about gasses. I’m thinking of creating my digital sharing presentation on canva, because I find it nicer to use rather than google drive and stuff. In case you’ve forgotten, the book was written by Margaret Penston and Ian Morris. I still enjoy reading about astronomy so I will be reading about it more in the future. I’m also starting to read another book at home called ‘I shot the devil’ by Ruth Mclver. I borrowed it from my local library and I’m excited to read it. Anyway that’s all I have to add for my sustained silent reading for English.