Tag: Astronomy

Mission to Mars


Mission to Mars

During science, we started a new subtopic in our Astronomy topic. This time we talked (as you can see by the title) about Mars.

What did we watch?

For the past few periods, we have been watching Wall-E. A classic Disney film about the earth being trashed and humanity living in space, with Wall-E robots cleaning up all of the trash. During this time, however, Wall-E meets Eve after she comes onto Earth searching for life. Then a relationship builds with Wall-E and Eve and the ship being sailed around the galaxy reaches back onto Earth. The humans on the ship see how horrid Earth has become because of the actions that their ancestors (since they’ve been in space Earth for hundreds of years) had done.

What question did we have to think about?

The question we had to think about and analyze throughout the movie was “What do we need as humans to survive?/Could you survive on Mars Why or Why not?” We basically looked at how the spaceship was built and the things lacking on Earth in the movie.

What we need to survive:

  • Sun – Plants need the Sun for photosynthesis.
  • (Liquid) Water – So we can quench our thirsts.
  • Oxygen – So we can turn it into energy via our cells.
  • Good atmosphere – Protects us from Radiation from the sun & temperature.
  • Food – So we can survive as humans and we can turn it into energy.
  • Life (animals and plants) – Plants feed off the sun, fertile soil and water, and humans can feed off of plants as well as animals.

Goldilocks Zone

The Goldilocks Zone is the metaphor for the children’s book “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. If you aren’t familiar with the book, which most people are. But the whole concept is basically doing everything/having everything just right. The Goldilocks zone is the just right zone for planets that are habitable for humans. This means if they’re too close you’ll burn, and too far you’ll freeze.