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9SCI – Writing Blogs

Chemical Energy 


Aim: I want to make colourful flames (turn chemical energy into light energy)

Research, Find a couple of youtube videos. 

Video One, Video Two


  • Safety Glasses
  • Bunsen Burner
  • Wire Loop
  • Different chemical salts
  • Small Beaker of Nitric Acid


  1. Get Equipment ready.
  2. Ensure that you’re taking all precautions (apply safety glasses etc).
  3. Set up the Bunsen Burner.
  4. Clean the wire loop in the acid.
  5. Dip the wire loop into the salt of your choice.
  6. Put the salty wire into the blue flame of the Bunsen Burner.
  7. Observe what happens.
  8. Repeat instruction 4 to 7.


Chemical = Colour

Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate = Yellow

Copper II Sulphate = Light Green

Calcium Chloride = Orange

Sodium Chloride = Yellow

Strontium Chloride = Bright Red

Potassium Chloride = Lilac


  1. What is chemical energy?  Chemical Energy is the energy which is stored in the link of chemical compounds, which are molecules and atoms. (Reference byjus)
  2. What is light energy? Is a kinetic energy that makes light visible to human eyes. It is used in things such as lasers, light bulbs and even the sun. (Reference byjus)
  3. What is the wavelength of the different colours from the chemicals?

Red = 650nm or 700nm at it’s limit,

orange 600nm,

yellow 580nm,

green 550nm,

cyan = 500nm,

blue = 450nm,

violet/lilac = 400 at it’s limit. (Reference Britannica)

4. What are other chemicals that make colour in flame tests? All are listed in the Results area.

5. How would you use these to make fireworks, and what chemicals are used when making fireworks? When creating fireworks, the use of Black powder is used. This is a type of gun power made from 75% potassium nitrate (saltpeter), 15% charcoal and 10% Sulfur. (Reference Ontario Science Centre) For the colour however, we use Mineral elements that are listed in the Results area.

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