Athletics Reflection

Athletics Reflection


During our athletics training, we covered a lot of ground and practised every activity except for relays and javelin (because they were sports where you had to apply and be reviewed). However, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I enjoyed the high jump, which I had previously assumed would be awkward and ungraceful. To my delight, I improved with each practice and found myself achieving better results than I had anticipated.


Unfortunately, the real athletics event was postponed due to bad weather, and when the rescheduled date finally arrived, it was cancelled altogether after only two activities. Although I was absent during the lesson where the details of the event were discussed, I enjoyed the training sessions and found them to be a fun and rewarding experience.


I chose to focus on sprints because it was the easiest out of the bunch. A few pieces of information about sprinting is that:

When you are about to begin your sprints, you can use blocks or crouch. But either way, you have to be ‘on your mark’.

Back knee touches the ground and your hips are raised above the height of your shoulders and you push off using your front foot.


During training, I demonstrated respect by genuinely not being a pest about practising. I didn’t complain as much as others because I knew it would lead me nowhere but to referral. This made it easier for the teacher and the person with the clap thing (to start the sprint) to get the heat over with.


I must develop resilience when we experience success or failure because…

It’ll build a tougher mentality to overcome challenges when failure does strike my way. It’ll help me bounce back on my feet and try again rather than stay sitting and crawling away from the thought of failing. I found resilience the most in myself during the 12-minute run. 



12 Minute Run (1) 3.5
12 Minute Run (2) 4
Long Jump Meters 2.2
Shot Put meters 8.53
100m Sprints 22.03
High Jump Meter 1


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